A highly technical painter, Keith Epps creates brilliantly representational works. Central to his paintings lies a fascination with clouds and sky however, there is a sinister undertone to his seemingly still and serene panoramas.


For some time now, Epps has been driven by the theme 'Et in Arcadia Ego', whereby darkness and pain exist within light and beauty. This interest sprung from watching the Yugoslav Wars on television, which took place from the early 1990's through to the 2000's. Epps found it hard to reconcile the ghastly events captured during these wars with the beautiful settings they took place in. Epps repeatedly weaves this philosophy into his paintings, as can be seen by the lifeless bodies and disturbing vignettes concealed within his works.


Born in London in 1954, Epps moved to Edinburgh in 1965, where he still lives and works today. Studying Drawing and Painting at Edinburgh College of Art from 1973-77 he then briefly door-stepped for house-drawing commissions. After moving into serious antique furniture restoration, he ceased painting altogether by the late 1980s, resuming in 2007.

Epps is a member of the SSA.