"As a hyperrealist painter, I am fascinated by the theme of liminal spaces, which represent thresholds or transitional spaces where the boundaries and limitations of everyday life are blurred or suspended. My paintings explore the potential of hyperrealism to create a sense of heightened awareness and perception in these spaces.

Through my work, I aim to capture the minute details and nuances of liminal spaces, such as doorways, hallways, and other transitional areas, in order to create a sense of realism that is almost tangible. By meticulously rendering every surface, texture, and detail, I aim to create a sense of presence that invites the viewer to step into the space and explore it for themselves.

In my paintings, I often use lighting and perspective to create a sense of depth and dimensionality, emphasizing the boundaries and edges of the space. By playing with light and shadow, I aim to create a sense of atmosphere and mood that invites the viewer to contemplate the potential for transformation and growth.

I am interested in creating spaces that are in between, where one can experience a sense of disorientation and disconnection from the familiar. By using hyperrealism to capture the subtle nuances of these spaces, I aim to create a sense of ambiguity and uncertainty that invites the viewer to fill in the gaps with their own perceptions and experiences.

Ultimately, my paintings are an invitation to explore the potential of liminal spaces through hyperrealism, to embrace the ambiguity and uncertainty of transition, and to contemplate the potential for transformation and growth."- Angus McEwan